A Toolkit for Advocates
Publisher: Musawah
Date Published: 2013
Languages: English
The toolkit includes Musawah key messages, a statement of hope for equality, Musawah Principles, explanations of key terms, suggested activities for reflection and discussion, follow-up activities, and resources for further exploration.
Main Contribution
The toolkit serves as a tool for building knowledge and mobilizing advocacy on equality and justice in the family, particularly focusing on Muslim family laws and practices.
The toolkit is designed mainly for Musawah Advocates.
Advocates can use the toolkit in various situations, including reflection, public speaking, advocacy work with constituencies, and as a reference for Musawah key messages.
GBV Prevention
The toolkit aims to address injustices and discrimination in Muslim family laws and practices, with the implication that it contributes to the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) within the family context.
Creating Normative Change
The toolkit is intended to facilitate discussions and reflections on equality and justice in the family, aiming to contribute to normative change.
How it could be adapted to the communities
The toolkit suggests using various methods, such as printed handouts, PowerPoint presentations, or online versions, to adapt to the audience's preferences and needs.
Advocates, GBV prevention, Toolkit, Equality, Musawah Principles, Muslim family laws, Advocacy.